Does Love Your Neighbor Have Exceptions?

The life of Jesus fascinates me. He was a true rebel in his time. He challenged the status quo, hung out with people who were “less than desirable”, and gave instruction that was contrary to the norms of the time.

He also told his disciples to go into the world and spread the good news. I can’t find anywhere where this has exceptions or says to hit people over the head with it or boycott them if they don’t agree.

I just have to wonder as I look at the world today, but why it seems that people thrive on exclusivity. It seems to me that our lives are much more enriched when we associate with people who are different from us. People who can share their news and beliefs with us. We can discuss and debate, but in the end shouldn’t we just come away more informed rather than bitter and afraid?

The more people I meet who are different from me, the more I appreciate how much we really are the same.

I seek to understand and love my neighbors more. Even the unloveable ones.

Author: canesgirl88

Just a girl trying to change the world.

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