
Last week my oldest daughter turned 25. Today my son is 20. A quarter of a century old and no longer a teenager. Wow. Time flies when you are having fun.

My heart swells when I think of the amazing adults they have become. Eddie and I were purposeful in our parenting and while we set boundaries, we never held back on loving these kids unconditionally and believing in them.

Family has always been important to me. My parents and my grandparents before them placed family as a high priority. Because of their example, it is easy for me to love others. My sister is one of my best friends in the world and I feel so blessed to be able to have her and her family close.

Yesterday was 2 years since Eddie ended chemo. I am so thankful to have him as my partner in life. We have lived through every marriage vow in our 28 years of marriage, but every second has been worth it.

It is funny to me that people try to hide their age. For me, every day is a gift. Every birthday is a milestone.

“Live life fully, love unconditionally, no spiritual regrets.”